Hello friend!

I’m Kris.

Wife, mom, coach, coffee drinker, water enthusiast and lover of people. My happy place is somewhere warm with my snorkel gear on and no clock in sight. I’m a jeans and t-shirts girl most days, with a serious case of wanderlust. I enjoy agate hunting on the beaches of the Oregon coast, genealogy, and quality time around a fire pit with family and friends.

I’ve been on a faith journey most of my life, and I’ve learned that seasons of struggle and suffering have produced the deepest intimacy with God. During these times, I have experienced the sweetness of God’s grace in ways I couldn’t have otherwise. 

In recent years I’ve heard others use the phrase, “God showed up.” In my journey, I have come to know God doesn’t “show up,” because He never leaves us in the first place. He is constant. I hope you will feel His intimate, constant presence in our time together, as well as grace, empathy, kindness, and compassionate acceptance.


Since I first learned its meaning, I have loved the word “watermark,” particularly the metaphor it creates when applied to people. Traditionally, when we talk about a watermark, we are talking about a design that its placed within fine paper during its creation or something that is used to protect content and claim ownership of a digital asset — a faint mark that is often made visible when held to the light, identifying the maker.

Like those creations, you too were created with an indelible mark woven into your very being by your Creator. A mark that can be seen when held up to His light. Additionally, you have been equipped, gifted, purposed, and planned to do a unique work during your lifetime.

It’s my goal and privilege to partner with you to help you discover and understand who you are, what motivates you, and what you’re capable of…your personal “watermark.”


Kris earned an AA in Communication Studies from Sierra College and a Certificate in Theology from Capitol Bible Institute. She is also a graduate from Western Seminary’s Certificate in Transformational Coaching Program (CTC), member of ICF (International Coaching Federation), a Pastoral Sex Addiction Professional (PSAP) with IITAP (The International Institute for Trauma and Addiction Professionals) and Enneagram Certified.  Kris also leads weekly Betrayal & Beyond women’s group meetings with Pure Desire International Ministries.

Kris lives amongst the rural, countryside hills south of Portland, Oregon. She and her husband, Todd, have 4 adult children and a cat. The cat has yet to leave the nest.